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Join us!

I want to be a...
I want to be a Sponsor of AC&C.

Important: right now we need a domain for our pages. We are looking for a sponsor that provide us with a domain for our organization (for example We need 20-30 Mb of space, some email address and the possibility to FTP our pages on the server. If you can help us, or if you know someone that can help us, contact us immediatly.

You can also help us in one of the following ways:
  • Money donations: You can donate us one dollar or one million, everything will be very useful for us. We need to get a domain for internet, buy a few computers, buy some expensive software, probably hire someone, get some phone lines for our contacts, contact authorities in written form, and many other things. For this reason we needs funds to keep working. We also need a permanent internet connection. Remember that AC&C is a non-profit organization, but everything has a cost!
  • Software donation: We may be ineterested in your software. If you are a shareware author you may decide to provide us a free registration of your software. If you have a software-house, you may want to donate us a software of yours.
  • Hardware donation: We need some fast computer and modems, an A4 scanner, a laser printer, and a few other things.
If you want to be a sponsor, please contact us immediatly: Send us an email.

I want to be an ISP member of AC&C.

If you want to be a ISP member contact us. We'll provide you information about how to check if you are hosting crackers on your site. We'll also add pages on this web-site very soon about this subject. Send us an email to
I want to be a Agent of AC&C.

Send us an email to Tell us that you want to be an agent and we'll give you all the information and material that you need to be an agent of AC&C. When you write us we need to know:
  • Your full name.
  • Your qualification.
  • Your job.
  • Your main language, and known languages.
  • Your email address(es) and home-page URL (if you have one).
  • If you want to be added in the list of members.
  • If you want that other members know about you.
  • If you want to add a banner "Agent of AC&C" somewhere in your pages.
  • Your motivations (why you want to stop crackers ?).

I want to be a Reporter of AC&C.

To be a reporter you just need to send us all crack-site URLs that you find on the net. Use the subject "Crack-site report" on email(s) that you send us.
Contact at us for more information and questions/suggestions.
I want to be a Programmer of AC&C.

Are you a programmer ? Are you a cracker ? Have you some technical knoweldge that could be useful for our anti-crack manual ? Have you documentation that can be useful ? Do you know sites where there are good information about anti-crack sistems ?
Contact us immediatly at

I want to be a Translator of AC&C.

If you want to help us fixing these pages or translating text in other languages, please contact us immediatly at:

I want to be a Supporter of AC&C.

Add a link to our site in your pages! Check add a link to know how to add the link. Also rememeber to send us an email if you add a link (with the URL of the page(s) with the link(s)

I want to be a Friend of AC&C.

Just send us an email to and tell us what do you think about our organization, give us suggestions and so on. If you want to be listed in the list of members, let us know that.

Copyright (c) 1997 By AC&C - All rights reserved.