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Who are we ?

We are an organization of shareware authors, software houses and supporter against cracking and abuse on internet.

All our members spend time every day for the organization. Someone spend many houres, someone else just few minutes, someone else just put a link to our home-page.

All our members works with the common target to be able to mantain their main job, without be destroied or damaged by crackers. Autorities cannot spend too much time to find and stop crackers, but they are interested in our activities. We are working to inform them about illegal activities on the net.

In USA the current piece of legislation that authorities use to prosecute these individuals is Title 18 United States Code Section 1030. You can get this from the Library of Congress Web site.

You can join us in many ways. You can be an active member or just a friend of our organization (you don't have to do anything or to pay something to be a member, but your help will be much appreciated). Join our group!

Copyright (c) 1997 By AC&C - All rights reserved.